Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Human at Conception

I came across this interesting pamphlet “What They Never Told You About the Facts of Life” by Human Development Resources Council, Inc in Norcross, Georgia, USA which I’d like to tell you about.

The first thing the pamphlet did was to confirm what every pro-life – but unfortunately not everybody – knows: that human beings first become human at conception. Pro-contraception advocates and even doctors will tell you it’s not, that life starts the moment the fertilized egg implants itself in the mother’s uterine lining. Meaning that before seven weeks, the fertilized egg is fair game.

“The moment your mother’s egg was fertilized, 46 chromosomes with 30,000 genes combined to determine all your physical characteristics: sex, facial features; body type, color of hair; eyes and skin. Even more amazingly, intelligence and personality - the way you think and feel – were already in place within your genetic code. At the moment of conception, you were already essentially and uniquely ‘you.’” At conception, each parent contributes 15,000 chemical “instructions sheets” (genes) that determined not only what you look like, but also your health, talents, tastes, athletic abilities, intelligence, allergies, and more.

Quite interestingly, this squares off with what the Church teaches. You know the Church teaches that us that every human being is intimately known to God, his name etched in the palm of God’s hand. In the Bible you will read there something about God knowing us even before the womb, making this man-made contention by pro-contraception advocates about life starting only at implantation a rather difficult thing to swallow. I became me because God from all eternity had willed it, and not because from trillions of choices God chose me to become me at implantation.

Indeed, if we are to believe what pro-contraception people say, we will have to tear away certain pages of Luke and the one on Samson for being false. If a person becomes human only at implantation, how could the Archangel Gabriel have announced to Zachariah the coming to the world of John the Baptist? The obvious conclusion therefore is that the coming to the world of every person emanates from the mind of God and is only given a physical (and spiritual) dimension at conception. At conception, John the Baptist was already John the Baptist. The same can be said of Mary. Conceived without sin, she was without sin at conception, a characteristic only Mary has. Her coming into the world was also foretold- from Genesis time pa. Samson’s birth was also foretold.

The pamphlet continues: “A wondrous and dynamic chain of events takes place within the womb. In the brief span of two months, you progressed from a single cell to a tiny human with all the organs present and functioning. The rest of your time in the womb was devoted to refinement, growth, and practice. While still in the womb, you began to move, swallow, and “breathe” amniotic fluid , react to stimuli and generally prepare yourself for life on the outside.” The baby’s growth in the first two months is so rapid that had the pace been continued all of nine months, he would have been born 14 tons!

To every doctor, nurse, health worker, manufacturer, and end user who prescribe/endorse/use contraceptives: you claim it is alright to flush away human life within seven weeks (i.e., before implantation) because you are saying the human being is not yet human until after seven weeks.

Question 1. By whose authority do you say so? By what unique claim to knowledge does he/she/it says so? (Just for our readers to know, the life at conception teaching has been taught by the Church- who cannot err in matters of faith and morals - consistently since Peter. For almost two thousand years mankind has believed so; it was only during the last century that that this alternative theory cropped up.)

Question 2. Have you tried finding out the truth for yourself, I mean really tried? Did you beg for the right answer?

Question 3. Good if what you believe in is true. But what if it’s not? What if life indeed begins at conception? Can you ever sleep soundly after knowing you have thwarted God’s hands?

Good day.


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